Learn More about Tooth Sensitivity

Learn More about Tooth Sensitivity


Men and women today are a lot busier in catering and boosting their career and social life. Both genders desire an excellent way of life. Apparently, this desire pushes them to neglect and overlook their health particularly their teeth. Individuals with hectic schedules don’t have enough time to perform and follow the right oral regimen. When this takes place, oral problems start to materialize, affecting every single part of your mouth. As you perceive this fact, it pays to ponder and seek 24 hour dental services near you.

Tooth sensitivity is among the most common dental problems accumulating these days. Popularly referred to as dentin hypersensitivity, tooth sensitivity is a tooth problem that mirrors discomfort and pain triggered by food and drink temperature. The pain associated by tooth sensitivity can be sharp and unbearable. The main reason for this is that it targets the tooth’s nerves. Based on analysis, dentin hypersensitivity affects anybody including those individuals who practice the right oral hygiene. As we all know, teeth are the strongest and hardest part of the human body. This body part incorporates strong bones with an enamel, nerves and tooth pulp. Tooth sensitivity happens when your tooth is compromised, leaving your dental nerves exposed.

Since most of us believe that tooth sensitivity transpires due to extreme hot and cold temperature, other experts believed that there are still other factors which can trigger tooth sensitivity. Expressed below are the most common factors which can cause tooth sensitivity:

Excessive Use of Mouthwash – Mouth wash or also known as mouth rinse is an antiseptic solution that is used to clean the teeth and eliminate thousands of bacteria. Although this solution has been a common practice to most men and women, experts discovered that mouthwash can induce danger. Studies show that using too much mouthwash can cause tooth sensitivity. This is for the particular reason that most mouthwashes contain acids. Acids often attack your dental nerves which can cause sensitivity. With that in mind, an immediate dental appointment with your dentist is advised. More often than not, dental experts suggest a mouth rinse with a neutral fluoride. This reduces the risk of sensitivity.

Acidic Foods – Acidic foods are not really pleasant to your teeth. Apart from destroying your tooth’s structure, it can also cause sensitivity. Acids are strong bad irritants which can cause enamel erosion. This attacks the dentin while exposing the nerves, causing sharp pain. Since acids have been a strong cause of sensitivity, dental specialists advise individuals to limit themselves from acidic food and drinks. One of the most common acidic food and beverages are fruit juices, soft drinks, tomatoes and citrus. Alternatively, if you can’t limit yourself from these goodies, you must ingest foods that can reduce sensitivity like a glass of milk and cheese.

Whitening Products – Like mouthwashes, whitening products are made to boost your oral health. However, instances of getting sensitivity are at reach and feasible when the following products are not used properly. There are circumstances that whitening the teeth and using toothpaste might cause sensitive teeth. This is due to the applied solutions to the products like bleaching solution (peroxide). Even though this sensitivity is temporary, it requires thorough attention and should be monitor closely by your dentist. Needless to say, to make the most of the offered whitening products, ask your dentist first to determine the right items for you.

Gingival Recession – Also known as receding gums, gingival recession mostly occurs to adults who aged at 40. Gingival recession takes place when your gum tissue is exposed and compromised. The teeth contain a number of tiny tubes which leads to the teeth’s nerve center. These tubes are hidden and well-protected but when affected by periodontal disease such as gingival recession, roots might be exposed. This oral condition requires dental assistance and should be treated straight away. Most dentists suggest scaling and root planning procedure. This dental treatment involves deep cleaning and thorough scraping. For more optimum details, see a dentist.

Tooth Decay – A tooth disease such as tooth decay is common nowadays. This can create holes to the teeth which expose the roots to sensitivity. Once the tooth structure is destroyed, a sharp pain is expected when the tooth is exposed to hot and cold foods. Proper hygiene and eating healthy foods are advised to avoid tooth decay. Avert eating foods that contain sugar and acids as these are among the common causes why your tooth is compromised. Seek professional help straight away in case you notice some signs and symptoms of tooth sensitivity.

Bruxism – The word bruxism is famously known as teeth grinding and clenching. This is a type of habit in which the teeth are subjected to great pressure, leaving its nerves exposed and vulnerable. Without a doubt, tooth enamel is the hardest compound in your body but this doesn’t imply that it is not prone to deterioration. Although teeth clenching appears to be a common habit, still it’s not healthy for your teeth. When teeth grinding is performed more often, it can wear your enamel away, allowing sensitivity to happen.

Displayed above are among the most common reasons of tooth sensitivity. There are studies that show that even recent dental works can make your teeth sensitive. Apart from that, sensitive teeth take place when teeth are cracked and broken. Regardless, bear in mind that oral hygiene is essential. Always keep an open communication with your personal dentist to keep track of your teeth. Eat nutritious foods and as much as possible, avoid those who have acids and sugar.

Stay healthy orally to keep your overall health in excellent condition.