Facts & Treatments of TMJ Disorder


Almost 10 million Americans nowadays have TMJ disorder. Otherwise known as popping or clicking of jaw every time you open them, temporomandibular joint syndrome is a condition that has no exact cause of existing. While dentists considered stress as the primary reason, TMJ remains a big question to health experts.

Even though there’s no definite cause of TMJ syndrome, there are several therapies you can count on when treating this.

Temporomandibular joint syndrome is a complex difficulty. Besides causing annoying sounds whenever you open your mouth, this can induce a myriad of issues to your oral and overall health. Several adverse reactions of TMJ disorder are facial muscle pain, aching jaw joints, facial nerves and tissues. Besides stress, there are different factors associated with TMJ disorder. According dental professionals, temporomandibular joint disorder takes place when you suffer from teeth grinding or bruxism, bite problems, like malocclusion and hormonal fluctuations in women.

While the root causes of TMJ are still a big question, you can still rely on TMJ specialist. There are dentists who work hard to provide the needs of those who suffer from TMJ disorder. These TMJ dentists can create a personalized treatment plan that can help you and oral health overcome the undesirable effects of TMJ. Individuals with TMJ cases can look through the following therapies. These therapies marked as among the most in-demand therapy for tempormandibular joint syndrome.

Prescribed medications like pain relievers can alleviate you from experiencing the awful effects of TMJ. Although this can only temporarily stop the pain but these medications play a vital role in relaxing your jaw joints. Besides stopping pain, pain medications can reduce dental anxiety levels.

Restorative dental treatments like dental implants, dentures and bridge can solve TMJ. The primary reason is to prevent gaps from transpiring. As we all know, gaps can cause shifting of teeth which can lead to irregular bite. Bite problems have strong relation with TMJ as expressed above.

Orthodontic dental braces are the commonest and most popular treatment for TMJ. Besides fighting the risks of TMJ, this can address bite problems, such as overbite, underbite, crossbite and overcrowded teeth. If you’re not comfortable with orthodontic devices, you can resort with mouth guard. This alternative is the perfect choice for those who prefer removing their devices every time they eat their meal or brush their teeth.

Oral surgery is for those with severe TMJ disorder. TMJ specialists identified this therapy as the last option for individuals with temporomandibular joint disorder. Severe cases of TMJ get resolved through this surgical repair particularly those who already lost their jaw bones. Oral surgery allows your after hours emergency dentist to go over your bones and tissues to correct severe TMJ syndrome.

Temporomandibular joint syndrome is a complex disorder. However, you can prevent this through self-care dental therapies. You can do this through eating soft foods and prevent habits that can strain your jaw. Dental care also helps fight TMJ. Any TMJ specialist can help you educate the bits of info of dental care and good oral hygiene.