At-Home Ideas Against Gingivitis

Adults find it really hard to find time for their oral health. Most of time, they hardly even notice the warning signs of dental problems and only then they would know they have gingivitis when it’s on its late stage. Truth is, oral issues like gingivitis don’t actually have strong symptoms at first. The progression of bacterial infection is sometimes subtle and painless.

However, you can tell gingivitis starts to grow when every time you brush, you experience redness, swollen and bleeding of gums.

Avoiding Gingivitis thru Home Remedies

The key to prevent gingivitis is to ensure oral health is properly checked especially your gums, teeth and its jawbone. Untreated gingivitis affects bones that support your teeth, causing it to fall off. The bacteria associated with this dental problem starts to attack the roots, nerves and blood vessels of your teeth and gums. This explains the need for root canal treatment. When gingivitis progresses, you experience further damage that could to gum recession and bone loss. This condition is called periodontitis – the advanced stage of periodontal or gum disorder. Periodontitis causes you tooth loss.

The great news is you can start off fighting gingivitis even at home. At-home ideas against gingivitis are twice cheaper and simpler compared to in-office treatment options. Just like other oral issues, the best way to prevent it to happen is through daily brushing and flossing of teeth. These basic dental care routines help prevent plaque deposits from transpiring. It strips off potential bacterial infection that can cause tooth decay and gingivitis.

Salt water rinse is also another at-home idea when fighting against gingivitis. You use salt and water when rinsing off or disinfecting bacteria due to food particles and debris found in your mouth. Dentists prefer to call it a saline solution. Salt water doesn’t just act as disinfectant, its healing properties also help restore gum health that is inflamed by gingivitis. Salt water rinse also helps relieve pain and discomfort when in tooth and gum pain.

Lemongrass oil is also another home alternative against gingivitis. This is usually done should salt water rinse doesn’t work for you. Take at least three drops of lemongrass oil and gargle or swish it around your mouth, like how you do it with water. Lemongrass oil helps reduce dental plaque build-up and treats earlier signs of gingivitis.

There are lots of things you can do at home when securing gum and teeth health. These basic ideas mostly work for those who are extremely busy with school works or their jobs – that consulting a dentist becomes least of their priority. Nonetheless, professional care with an emergency dentist San Jose CA poses higher advantage when compared. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you find time at least twice a year to see a professional one.

Gingivitis is a concern you must not overlook especially if you have medical conditions, pregnant or breastfeeding.