Category Archives: emergency dentist san jose

Healthful Importance of Sports

Fitness and sports aren’t just developed to tone your body, but also to develop your muscles and improve your health. Whether it’s a professional game or not, sports are deemed and proved to be effective in supporting healthy lifestyle. Sports also increase the endorphins and happy nerves in your body. This is explains why most people who engage with any physical activities are happy and feel contented.

Sports come in different variations. They provide health benefit which help support healthy living. Based on analysis, sports can positively affect the human life factors starting childhood. As early as your younger years, playing sports can develop healthy and stronger bones, lungs and heart. It also helps secure and develop motor and cognitive capability skills which allow you to achieve lifelong health. Young women who are into sports also reduce their risks of having osteoporosis and hip impairment. Sports allow your body to move and feel independent.

People who want to achieve fitness goals can also rely on sports. Sports are proven to reduce weight gain and improve muscle development. It cuts down fats which reduce your chances in developing obesity. Physical activity like sports normalizes your hormones. Thus, it helps strengthen the immune system and fights back potential health risks.

Sports are efficient, too, in body and mind regulation. Studies proved its contribution against mental disorder, such as anxiety and depression. Besides improving the mental health, sports can help build self-esteem as well. Since sports are more on engaging and socializing, this helps you in social aspect and camaraderie. Sports let you learn positive mental health skills. It exercises your mind and learns from accountability, dedication, concentration and leadership. Since sports also are perfect distraction from those who are into emotional situation, expect this method as your way to remove stress. As you exercise your body and mind, you will produce good endorphins.

Since there are different benefits from different sports, you can consult a fitness expert if you want to improve in a particular aspect. For example is bowling. According to this weblink, bowling improves bone density. When you do frequent heavy lifting, you stretch and maximize your bone skills’ capability. You improve speed despite the weight. Another example of sport that doesn’t just improve speed but also your mental skill is fencing. Your mind develops complex thinking alongside with coordination – both mind and body.

People who treat sports as a lifestyle thing have an edge against those who refuse to participate with physical activities. Although it’s not easy squeeze your schedule, remember to always find time outside your office and home. Sports truly help you maximize your health. It’s a two-in-one freebie because it doesn’t just support physical fitness but your mental health, too.

Health Issues Triggered by Obesity

Supporting Weight Loss thru Exercise

Although foods reduce stress, it doesn’t help much when taken excessively. Not practicing balanced diet clearly triggers different health complications and issues. One of the most rampant results of excessive eating is obesity.

Obesity can happen to anyone of all age. This is a medical condition wherein a person suffers from excess body fat due to lack of exercise and too much eating. You can tell if you have one if your body mass index or BMI is 30 or more. Waist to height ratio or WtHR is also another factor in determining whether you’re healthy or a candidate for obesity. This is through identifying the amount of body fats entering your body.

Although obesity can be helped through proper exercise and healthy lifestyle, it pays to learn how this disorder can influence or trigger other forms of health illnesses. Medical experts proved that these following health complications are linked to obesity.

Heart disease and stroke are the commonest results of obesity. This is due to its connection towards high blood pressure caused by high cholesterol. High cholesterol is said to block your heart from pumping oxygen and blood, causing shortage of breath that might lead to an attack. Fortunately, preventing these two is feasible. Fitness experts attested that most people who undergo proper diet and exercise have lower risk of developing heart disorder and stroke.

Type 2 diabetes’ connection with obesity is pretty evident. Thanks to high blood sugar level. Individuals who failed to exercise, eat healthy and sleep on time most likely become diabetic. Through becoming active physically and balanced diet you can cut down your blood sugar level.

Cancer is also another effect caused by obesity. Health experts identified that those who engage with excessive eating without proper physical exercise experience issues with their pancreas, gallbladder and ovaries. Several cancer types related with obesity are cancer of the breast, colon, esophagus and kidney.

Osteoarthritis happens when your cartilage doesn’t receive enough support from your joints. Most common reason is excess fats. Too much body fat can weaken your joints and cartilage, causing you joint issues that affect your back, knee and hip.

Gout is somewhat similar with osteoarthritis. This joint disorder is often triggered by high levels of uric acid.

Sleep apnea and obesity’s connection is crystal clear. Courtesy of too much cholesterol, individuals won’t just experience excess weight gain but also heavy snoring and breathing. Sleep apnea is a medical condition wherein you suffer from stoppage of breathing and snoring. This doesn’t just happen during at night, but also in day time. People who have this condition need to participate or get this information for the weight loss program.

Although it’s not easy to avoid food and refreshments, everyone should contemplate that anything that’s been taken excessively is no longer healthy. If you want to live a healthy living, discipline yourself from food temptations.

Mental Health Straight Facts

What's inside a mental health ailment

They say getting physically sick is worst. But… you do not know suffering unless it is your mental health is the one at stake! That’s because mental disorder is one of the uncontrollable dilemmas of human beings. Based on facts, mental health doesn’t just involve the cognitive side. It also involves behavioral and emotional aspects of the person. And imagine these aspects getting inflicted by disorder!

There are lots of reported mental incidents in the world. Most of them are affiliated with life, relationships and even physical well-being. In short, when mental health is at risk, it can cut down anything, even your capability to enjoy life.

With this, many health experts advocate mental health awareness. They provide training courses and seminar on how to handle situations and ailments that might possibly jeopardize the mental health. After all, mental health mirrors how we behave and think and feel. Along with how we deal with mental breakdown, health experts will also cite the risk factors should you let this fatal condition rule. The most common reaction of mental disorder is anxiety and panic attacks. Anxiety involves fear even in simplest things. That’s because it makes you think that even harmless things can hurt and offend you. Anxious people tend to avert any kinds of things. Whenever they engage with something or someone triggering, they froze and get paralyzed due to terror.

Besides anxiety, poor mental health triggers mood disorders. This goes from affective disorder to a depressive one. Individuals who recently experience a traumatic event are prone to this syndrome. Schizophrenics also are victims of mental disorder.  Schizophrenics are individuals who suffer from schizophrenia, a mental condition that may exist as early as 15 years old. This complex condition affects the way your brain copes or processes information. It also triggers fragmented thoughts. You fail to memorize or recall thoughts and events.

Although experts can’t handle what you think or feel or behave, there are early signs of mental disorders proven. These signs and symptoms prevent your case from its terminal phase. The most common sign of mental illness is losing interest from things you previously love and excited about. Next is difficulty of sleeping, low energy, confusion and less concentration. Delusions, hearing voices and suicidal thoughts are the strongest symptoms of mental disorder. If you are or if you know someone experiencing these warning symptoms, it’s best to convince them to visit a doctor or emergency dental clinic San Jose CA.

Health experts can help patient overcome a mental illness no matter how vile or complex it may seem. Addressing mental health problems involve medication and psychotherapy. Professionals prefer to call this as the talking therapy. That’s because you discuss your concern with a therapist who can perfectly handle your mental illness and behavior. Upon discussion, you will also learn about self-care procedure. This means overpowering the demons in your mind. Suggestions are given such as changing your poor lifestyle, cutting down unhealthy vices and engaging with enjoyable activities. Just like your physical health, you can really handle your mental health. As long as you get all the help, support and means from professionals and people dear to you.

What Makes Bacteria Different from Viral Infection

When our loved ones got sick, the very first thing we think of is the main cause why it happens. We usually blame the unhealthy lifestyle and vices we live on because they are usually the primary factors why kids and adults get sick. However, getting sick sometimes is caused by other people’s dilemma. Among the common ailments that are considered contagious are bacterial and viral infections.

Bacterial and viral infections may have lots of things in common, but they are actually two different infections. One of the things they have in common is the microbes. Microbes are composed of bacteria and viruses. They can be transmitted from one person to another through coughing and sneezing. Getting in contact with contaminated surfaces, like food and water, is also another way of transmitting the infection. Microbes can be fatal if left unattended. As outlined by analysis, this causes chronic infection that can last a lifetime. It induces, too, severe health diseases.

Why vaccination helps

But what makes bacteria different from viral infection though?

Bacteria are creatures living in a single cell. They are surrounded with a thin and rubbery membrane with a rigid wall that can survive in any kinds of environment. Whether in extreme heat or cold, bacteria can reproduce. There are two types of bacteria: the good and bad. Good bacteria help you digest food and kill microbe-producing bacteria. These single-celled creatures also neutralize and eliminate cancer cells. Contrary, bad bacteria are the ones that produce illnesses to people.

Unlike bacteria, virus can’t survive without its host. They are actually smaller than bacteria. Since a virus relies on its host, they cannot reproduce. Though some viruses reprogram other cells until they die, other forms of viruses can turn healthy cells into malignant ones. Viruses also are very particular on areas they attack. They can inflict diseases on the blood, liver and immune system.

The great news though is the several treatments available against bacterial and viral infections.

Antibiotics are the most innovative solutions towards these infections. This medicinal drug is actually efficient in eliminating viruses, but not totally on bacteria. That’s because some bacteria are resistant to antibiotics. Second most effective treatment is the vaccine. Vaccines come in many forms, including the ones that can eliminate bacterial and viral infection. As early as your childhood days, vaccines are essential. You can help prevent other diseases through getting a shot.

Over the years, doctors and dental offices in San Jose CA were able to develop vaccines that don’t just fight bacterial and viral infection. Vaccines against polio, measles, hepatitis, flu and even AIDS are now accessible in different medical infrastructures.

Career Focus: Dental Therapists

A lot of people are behind the success of any dental procedure. The dental staff also works tirelessly to give proper dental care services to patients in need to make their experience in the dental office more comfortable and safe.

The dental therapy profession started way back in 1917 when there was a great deficit in school service dental officers and the dentists were recruited by the Armed services during the World War I. due to the shortage of dental professionals, England trained Dental Dressers who became the very first health care professionals to be labelled as Dental Therapists in the world. At that time, dental therapists were tasked to do procedures based on American hygienists with other procedures like filling of cavities as a result of tooth decay and tooth extractions in school clinics.

Interacting with Dental Professional

By the 1920’s, Dental Therapists had formal training from the School Dental Services established by New Zealand. They worked in rural communities as their first exposure to patients with dental problems. This system continues up to this day and is adapted by many countries in the world with rural populations. Dental therapists fill in the gap for shortages of dental professionals in providing services that need dental health attention. The Dental Act of 2002 only permitted dental therapists to work on community and dental hospital services but was later on reviewed and amended.

Fortunately, dental therapists were allowed to do general practice in both the private and public sectors of the community. As time passed, the training and qualification to become registered Dental Hygienist and Dental Therapist merged and resulted to a dual diploma qualification in Dental Health.

The dental care is ever changing and evolving. The developments can help dentists delegate great portions of their duties to other dental care professionals to cater to the various dental care services that patients demand. You can now pay a visit to a dental therapist for a filling instead of going to the dentist. This can be related to the other health practices like going to nurses, physiotherapist, and the likes instead of going to the doctor.

The General Dental Council regulates the list of duties that a dental therapist can carry out. This includes intra and extra oral assessment, periodontal treatment, apply fissure sealants, take dental x-rays, dental fillings, extract primary or baby teeth, take impressions, temporary replacement of crowns, and many more. Dental therapists can even do dental treatments with the use of local anesthetic. These duties are carried out with utmost standards and safety which makes dental therapists reliable alternatives of dental practitioners.

The next time you experience any dental emergencies, you can reach out to your local dental therapist and expect the quality services. You can now choose a wide range of choices for appointments and dental care providers to see which best fit you and which ones you feel comfortable with. Dental appointments don’t have to be intimidating or scary for most people with dental anxiety and fear of dentists.

Cementum Function, Types & Role in Tooth Sensitivity

Your mouth has various parts that work together to help you speak, chew, and eat every day. The teeth and gums perform critical functions in a day to day basis. Some parts are more known than others but they too are responsible for important roles in your mouth. One perfect example is the cementum that works behind the scenes.

Cementum is a type of connective tissue that is found and forms along your tooth’s root as well as the crowns of your teeth. It solidifies by connecting to fibers that support the tooth to stay in place in the pockets of the jaw bone. Its characteristics are somewhat like the enamel’s but it is much softer.

The Lowkey but Important Cementum

The cementum has different characteristics. This connective tissue is classified according to the presence of collagen fibrils, location, cellularity, and the origin of the matrix fibers.

Observe the insights of our offices at emergency dentists regarding the different types of cementum.

Acellular afibrillar. This type of cementum comes from cementoblasts and considered as coronal cementum on our teeth. Its matrix is devoid of detectable collagen fibrils.

Acelluar extrinsic fiber. This type of cementum is visible in the lower two-thirds of the root and plays a significant role in anchoring your teeth to the jawbone. The principal fibers of this cementum are originally from periodontal ligaments which is why it is called extrinsic as these fibers’ orientation are perpendicular to the cementum that helps in tooth anchorage.

Cellular intrinsic fiber. This type of cementum is located at sites of cementum repair as it follows surface resorption. As opposed to helping to anchor teeth, this type of cementum plays no role in teeth anchorage.

Cellular mixed fiber. This type of cementum is found on apical third of a tooth’s root and in between the roots and is a mix of both extrinsic and afibrillar cementum.

Tooth sensitivity is one of the biggest problems that are caused by cementum loss along with gum recession and enamel loss. The lack or loss of cementum can result to dentin exposure. This is the part of your tooth that has nerve endings and blood vessels. Another is periodontal disease or gum disease where gum infection can cause irreversible damage to your bone and fibers that hold your teeth in place. This often leads to loose teeth and eventually, tooth loss.

Teeth sensitivity is a sudden and sharp pain in one or more teeth. This usually happens when you drink a glass of cold water or when you bite into ice cream. If you are experiencing this, you may have tooth sensitivity issues and should consult your dentist.

You have to protect your teeth by diligently observing proper oral care regimen to avoid periodontal disease and cementum loss. Neglecting your responsibility on your oral health can cause more problems than you think. Remember to brush and floss daily. Increase your protection against infections and use oral care products that your dentist recommends to treat on going dental problems.

Survival Guide for Your Teeth this Holiday

December is finally upon us and Christmas is just days away. Parties and gatherings abound as afternoon drinks and snacks start to become a routine for most of people. These social gatherings and surprise visits from family and friends bring about that familiar festive mood and warm fuzzy feeling. These moments and activities make the holidays all the more special. Unfortunately, the abundance of food and treats can make you bound for the dental office a lot sooner. You have to be more careful and aware of the foods you eat.

To help your teeth survive the holidays, here are some tips in avoiding cavities and maintaining the health of your teeth during and after the holiday season.

Timing is Key. The formation or development of cavities and dental plaque occurs and is dependent on the length of time that sugars stay on your mouth. You can get caught up in visiting family and friends from house to house up to Christmas day. It is important that you keep your toothbrush handy while celebrating from one house to another. Like mentioned earlier, bacteria can form as you eat sugary and sweet foods for long periods of time. Your teeth are at a high risk of acid attacks that can make your tooth’s enamel thin and can lead to tooth decay. Try to squeeze in at least two minutes of brushing in between meals or drinks. The longer you keep sweet treats in your mouth, the longer the bacteria can feast on them and give off the acidic by product.

Gift to Yourself. It might be the season for giving gifts and getting shiny new presents but it is also high time that you treat your teeth with something special too. Your tooth brush should be replaced every three months and it would be a good idea to buy yourself a new one this Christmas. This present can benefit your teeth and gums. This is the best and essential tool in surviving the holidays and even after the season has passed.

Floss. One of the most commonly asked question on dental visits is your flossing habit. Regular flossing is important in keeping your teeth and gums healthy which is usually forgotten when the Christmas season comes. Flossing is important especially after eating those sugary meals. It might be treated with complete disregard during the holidays but all those guilty pleasures would soon become plaque in between your teeth. Floss for your teeth’s sake, for those areas that your brush can’t reach.

Drink Plenty of Water. You really don’t need any occasion or season to drink plenty of water. It is important in hydrating your body. It can replenish lost water when you had one too many drinks and flush away sugars and other chemicals from the foods and drinks you indulge in this holiday.

Survive the holidays with these more accommodating hints to help keep those pearly whites stay white. Your teeth will thank you later.

Oral Health: Healthy Foods Rich in Vitamin D

The only vitamin that your body produce when exposed to sunlight is vitamin D. It is an essential vitamin with extra resources that plays various roles on different parts of the body and oral health.

Most people don’t realize this but your dental health is closely linked to vitamin D. People who suffer from vitamin D deficiency are more prone to tooth decay and gum disease than those who have enough levels in the body. The importance of vitamin D in calcium absorption also makes this vitamin vital in replenishing lost minerals on worn out enamel due to day to day erosion. The benefits of vitamin D go beyond the dental aspect of health which makes it important and should not be disregarded.

Vitamin D Pros & Effects

Listed below are foods that are good sources of vitamin D for stronger and healthier teeth.

Salmon. This fish is a popular fatty fish which is a great source of vitamin D. The difference of farmed and wild salmon also affects the amount of vitamin D it contains. The amount of vitamin D found in farmed salmon is only 25% of the wild salmon. There is a big difference in the vitamin D content depending on where salmon is caught. It is best to eat the wild salmon for higher vitamin D content per serving but farmed salmon is also great if you can’t get a hold of wild ones.

Herring. Herring is a fish served in many ways. It can be eaten raw, canned, or pickled. Just like the salmon, it is one of the greatest food sources of vitamin D all over the world. The only catch for the pickled type is that it contains high amount of sodium that can be bad for your health if eaten in large quantities. 

Cod Liver Oil. You can find cod liver oil on many supplements. People who don’t really like eating fish can get their dose of certain nutrients that are not available on other food sources. Cod liver oil has been used for many years to treat vitamin D deficiency in children. It is also high in omega-3 fatty acids that protect the heart.

Canned Tuna. People who enjoy the taste of canned tuna are also going to enjoy the high vitamin D content. It is very popular because it’s easy storage methods, cheaper than buying fresh fish, and diverse use. It also offers other nutrients like vitamin K and niacin.

Oysters. This low calorie type of clam found in saltwater are delicious and good source of vitamin D. It also has copper and zinc, vitamin B12 and other micronutrients that will surely boost your immune system and good health.

Shrimp. Shrimps are very low in fat compared to other shellfish and fishes rich in vitamin D. They are good source of omega-3 fatty acids and are still healthy even if they also have cholesterol.

Foods fortified with vitamin D are also available on markets that help people who stay a lot of their time indoors. This helps a lot especially kids who previously exercise poor oral care and dental hygiene.

Red Heads & Dental Fear of Dental Procedures

Red Alert for Red Heads

We all have that fear of going to the dentist or showing up on dental appointments. Some more than others have developed strong fear towards the dental office environment that they neglect dental appointments and treatments altogether just to avoid seeing the dentist. These cases often make simple dental problems become severe and irreversible damages to the teeth and gums.

It might seem strange but redheads or people with natural red hair are more likely to avoid dental procedures more than others. They have developed anxieties associated with dental treatments or procedures as their experiences with dental offices are not so good. The phenomena is experienced almost everywhere that studies were done to better understand redheads and their fear of dental appointments.

Gene mutations. Perhaps the most significant thing about red heads is the mutation of the gene that turns their hair into red and their skin white. This gene called MCR1 gene is responsible for making people’s hair black or blonde. It produces melanin or the pigment that gives you brown, black, or blonde color. When a mutation to this gene occurs, it starts to produce a different chemical called pheomelanin which results to redheads having natural red hair. This gene is also a receptor that receives pain signals in particular. Studies show that this gene gives redheads strong sensitivity to pain as an extra sensor is added to your brain which is specifically for pain. This might explain why they experience more pain as their brains get more signals of pain on treatments and procedures. This mutation might not be exclusively for red heads but non-redheads with this mutation have a lower tendency of pain receptors development in the brain.

Resistant to local anesthetics. Redheads are also identified to be more resistant to local anesthetic. Patients with red hair often need more anesthetic than non-redheads as they still feel pain in normal dosages. This supports the gene mutation effect that makes them more sensitive to pain more than others. There might be many factors that affect one’s sensitivity to pain but this resistance to anesthetics and low tolerance to pain definitely adds up.

The significant amount of fear toward emergency dentist San Jose and dental health offices can impact the oral health of many redheads. This can lead to poor oral health habits and poor management of dental problems. They would not be given the professional dental care they need and deserve because of the constant delay or avoidance of going to the dentist.

The good thing is that there is still hope. The levels of anxiety experienced by these redheads can vary and the amount of fear that they have can be managed. They can simply practice and exercise mental and physical activities that ease the mind from tension and stress. You can always talk to your dentist about your struggles in pain management and your tolerance to it. Your dentist would be more than glad to recommend and discuss the right ways for you to manage anxiety and fear as well as medication and techniques to be done on procedures.

Oral Health Problems of Diabetic Patients

How Sugar Relates with Teeth

Diabetes cases have increased in an overwhelming fashion in the past year. Majority of these cases are people who have diabetes and are totally unaware that they have it. Besides your genes, diabetes can be brought about by unhealthy food habits and choices as well as the lifestyle that you have. In connection to oral health, the symptoms and other manifestations can be observes in the mouth. Your mouth serves as a gateway to all of your vital organs and any problem with these organs shows in your oral and dental status.

The health risks of diabetes vary on which type you have. Diabetes mainly affects your body’s ability to process sugar. Type 1 diabetes is the insufficient production of the hormone insulin in the body. Insulin is responsible for carrying sugar to the cells that need energy and the lack of it can affect the efficacy of cells to do their jobs. Type 2 diabetes, on the other hand, makes your body unresponsive to insulin. These conditions both result to high blood sugar levels that cause problems for many organs like the heart, kidneys, eyes and your teeth and gums.

Listed below are the symptoms and red flags that you have to watch out for that takes place in the oral cavity. Untreated diabetes is best identified through signs that your mouth show.

Dry Mouth. People with diabetes experience having less saliva production of the salivary glands. They also feel thirsty all the time. Dry mouth can affect the ph balance of your mouth. Saliva plays a big role in washing away bacteria and food particles as it is the body’s way of cleaning your teeth. The absence of saliva encourages bacterial growth that increases the acid levels of the mouth. This could potentially cause the erosion of the tooth’s enamel. Having dry mouth also causes bad breath which makes diabetic persons have that distinct smell in their breath. Because saliva protects your teeth, you’re also at a higher risk of cavities.

Gingivitis. Gingivitis can be a sign that you are diabetic. Your gums would appear red and inflamed. This condition would also make your gums bleed in various activities like eating, speaking and brushing your teeth.

Delayed Healing. Any oral cuts or bruises would take very long time to heal when you have diabetes. If you have wounds in your oral cavity that takes very long to heal, it would be best to get yourself checked as it may be caused by diabetes.

Periodontal Disease. This is the severe stage of gingivitis or gum disease. The bacteria in your mouth are harder to fight as your body has a hard time managing your blood sugar levels. In severe cases of periodontal disease, the gums, teeth and the jaw bone supporting your teeth can be damaged.

To slow down the progression of diabetes, one must regularly visit their oral surgery dentist to treat gum diseases early on. Upon diagnosis, you have to follow the recommendations and medications that your doctor would give you. Self-care of your dental health and managing your sugar levels need to be a priority to fight bacterial and fungal infections in your mouth.